


美國西北培英校友會對母校的熱愛和支援,不會因為本地參加校友會的校友不多而減少。 所以對於母校,鄰近各校友會及培英中心的活動,美國西北培英校友會都會盡可能出席參加,給予支援。

Pui Ying Alumni Association, US Northwest Chapter, with members from the Greater Metropolitan Seattle Area in Washington State, was founded in the 1940s/50s. It has a long history.

In spite of the rather limited number of Pui Ying alumni currently living in metro-Seattle area, there are strong ties of friendship between members of the association. In addition to the annual Foundation Day celebration, summer picnic and Christmas party, we meet for lunch every month, providing a good social gathering opportunity.

The U.S. Northwest Chapter is always dedicated to our Alma Mater, not affected by the limited number of members. We always put up our best effort to participate and support activities organized by our Alma Mater, nearby Pui Ying Alumni Associations and Pui Ying Christian Services Society.

居於美國西北部的白綠兒女培英校友們,如果你所居住的城市沒有校友會的設立,而又有興趣加入美國西北培英校友會,請電郵給黃婉瓊會長 。詳細通訊資料如下:

Catherine Ng
PO Box 602
Redmond, WA 98073

電郵地址: nwpyaa